CCS 2018 Western 8/9Ball Championships
Mens/Mixed Team 8Ball
Team Entered : Ask Dave
League Name : PPL #203
League City : Calgary
League Prov/State : Alberta
Amount Paid : 400
Online Date : Apr 01, 2018
Post Mark Date : Apr 01, 2018

Paid Date :

Apr 01, 2018
Entry Status : Approved
Team Rank : C Standard

Melnyk, DaveC StandardCalgary, ABAsk Dave  
Brochu, EliC StandardCalgary, ABAsk Dave  
Hutchison, BobC StandardCalgary, ABAsk Dave  
Kounadis, PeterC StandardCalgary, ABAsk Dave  
Potvin, AlexC StandardCalgary, ABAsk Dave  
Donato, ShawnC StandardCalgary, ABAsk Dave  
Bain, MikeC StandardCalgary, ABAsk Dave  

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